Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Advantages Of 4G Wireless

When you stop and think about how much the average person relies on the internet during the course of a normal day, it's hard to imagine how we ever lived without this constant source of instant information and the power of rapid communication.  We use the internet for just about everything these days from shopping to paying bills, keeping in touch with family and friends and even meeting future husbands and wives online.  In fact, we only realize how great our dependence on an internet connection is when it suddenly becomes unavailable due to an outage in service or inaccessibility because of a restricted coverage area.  Luckily, the latest in technological advancements are providing consumers with a new line of internet service that will put those setbacks out of your life for good.

4G, the latest generation in wireless technology, offers you connection speeds like you have never experienced before and a quality, reliable signal that will never let you down.  Fourth generation connections are nearly four times faster than their predecessors; to put this into perspective, you can easily download an entire feature-length movie in mere minutes, instead of hours.  Never again do you have to let slow download speeds or the glacially-paced loading of data-rich websites drag you down.  With fourth generation connections, you can maneuver the internet as it was meant to be experienced, at super-fast speeds and with the agility to jump from one program or page to the next without skipping a beat.  Even watch live streaming television shows with the picture clarity and quality you can expect from a satellite provider, something 3G connections could never deliver.

In addition to being clearly superior in terms of connection speeds, fourth generation provides a much more reliable signal than any previous service has ever been able to offer.  You know how frustrating it can be when you are trying to finish a big project for school or work, and your internet connection is on the fritz; it can really cause a lot of unneeded stress or panic.  With fourth generation, you can rest easy knowing that your internet connection will be there for you whenever you need it.  In addition, it is also much safer than connecting over a traditional Wi-Fi signal.  The connection is much more secure and you don't have to worry about hackers getting into the signal and gaining access to your personal files and information.  Fourth generation connections not only provide a strong, reliable signal, they are incredibly secure as well.

Another big advantage of 4G wireless is the huge range of coverage areas it can service.  Instead of providing access to the internet to a household, apartment building or even a city block, fourth generation signals can reach across entire cities, providing you with a secure and fast internet connection wherever your busy day may take you.  This newest technology will change the way you use the internet for the better and allow you to unlock its full potential.  With so many clear benefits, what are you waiting for?  Upgrade today to the fourth generation and see what you've been missing.

Clear 4G has the service plan perfect for you.  Experience for yourself the advantages of clear access wireless.


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