Saturday, July 9, 2011

4G, the next genertaion mobile phone technology

HANOVER, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 28:  A host presen...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone. Whether they're on a contract or a pay as you go tariff, the mobile phone has become an essential item for numerous people. this article will be taking a look at the history of the mobile phone - and its future - in order to learn more about the now-essential telecommunications device.

Forget about alexandra graeme bell. On 3 april, 1973, dr martin cooper, who was a motorola employee, called his rival Joel Engel, who was head of research at AT&T's Bell Labs. dr Martin made the phone call while he was on a new york street & did so through the first Motorola DynaTAC prototype in front of journalists. motorola has a long history of making portable radios for vehicles, particularly two-way radios for cabs & police cars. despite this, recognisable mobile phones have existed since the fifties at least.

The HILTON Hotel LONDON : Heathrow Airport : T...Image by UggBoy♥UggGirl [ PHOTO // WORLD // TRAVEL ] via Flickr

The first mobile phones are now referred to as first generation (1g) mobile telephones.

The first hand held phone to be released onto the us market was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X in 1983. mobile phones started to gain popularity in the eighties with the introduction of cell phones that were based on cell networks. mobile phones were initially somewhat larger than current ones, and they were first designed for installation in vehicles only, which is why they were called car phones. these chunky devices were later transformed for use as transportable phones the size of a briefcase and the rest is history.

Second generation (2g) mobile telephones first appeared in the nineties. Unlike 1-g telephones that were analog, 2g telephones use digital technology to provide voice services and for text messaging and wap access.
MagCom mobile phoneImage via Wikipedia

A handful of the advantages of 2-g telephones are that they use less strong radio signals, which require less battery power. This means that telephones lasts a lot longer between charges, so batteries - and thus the phones themselves - can be made smaller. as well as this, 2-g telephones offer much more privacy. Indeed, digital phone calls are much more difficult to eaves drop on than 1g telephone calls.

The name 2.5G is used to describe the phone technology that is post 2g, but not quite 3g. However, while the terms 2g and 3g are officially defined, the term 2.5G is not. in fact, this term was invented for marketing reasons only.

3g is the term given to the third generation of mobile telephone standards and technology. 3-g follows 2-g mobile telephone technology.

The birth of 3g technologies allow network operators such as Vodafone offer their users a wider range of more advanced services. These include video callsand broadband internet.

Although 3g was introduced successfully throughout the world, complaints have been made by both 3g providers and users, which include expensive telephones. as well as this, there's numerous differences in the terms of licencing.

After 3-g, we can get excited about the debut of 4-g technology, which promises to be the finest & most developed mobile phone technology yet.

Thank you for reading our article about the invention of the mobile phone. as you've probably guessed by now, the mobile phone has come a long way since it was first launched & there's a fair chance of, it'll be developed even further still.
A picture of the Neonode N2 mobile phone.Image via Wikipedia
Maria Literral has worked in telecoms for over 20 years having spent time developing mobile communications and wireless telecommuncation devices.

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