Saturday, June 25, 2011

Paint Thickness Measurement


             In a paint or coating the process control, quality control and its cost effectiveness depends on the thickness of the product. The paint depth are measured with different types of instruments and applied to various painting industries and production units. The thickness is as important to the end user as well as to the manufacturer. The end buyer can know the control of quality test performed during the manufacturing process through its precise specification. Incidentally the difference of opinion about the product specification and its thickness occurs when manufacturers and the end users use different type of measuring instruments.

             Again different varieties of coating will need different model of measuring instruments. The substrate coating, its thickness, costing and the shape and size are directly related to paint coating. Distinct measuring methods are helpful for destructive and non destructive dry-film, powder coatings and liquid coatings. Normally magnetic gauges are used in ferrous substrates. Coatings around metals like steel and iron follow this method. The magnetic attraction is more on thinner coats then in the heavily coated area. There are pencil types models with 10% endurance, roll back dial models which are convenient to use in any position and have a tolerance of 5%.

           With OBSNAP you will find several thickness measuring gauges that is used for coating as well as for painting. These are Microprocessor Coating Thickness Gauge, Coating Thickness Gauge, Digital Coating Thickness Gauge, Digital Magnetic Coating Thickness Gauge, Magnetic Coating Thickness Gauge, Paint inspection gauge (PIG), Ultrasonic Coating Thickness Gauge, Wet Film Thickness Gauge, Wheel Wet Film Thickness Gauge Type NS10 and Coulometric Coating Thickness Gauge. The measuring instruments are used in electrical appliances, car paintings and various other coating substances. Their gadgets are dependable, consistent and acclaimed as the most efficient instrument by lots of users all over the world.

              They not only sell the product but have a good store of spare parts and also calibrate the instrument when required. You have to mention the type of work you intend the instrument for and they will suggest you with the best possible model that will resolve your problem. Moreover, their instruments are known for precision measurement and are accurate with better display of readings. They adapt to the international standards and are highly preferred measuring instrument.

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